@article{oai:lib.cku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001139, author = {サムナー, ラルフ and Sumner, Ralph}, issue = {32}, journal = {千葉経済論叢, The Chiba-Keizai ronso}, month = {Jul}, note = {Language is the repository of culture. When we teach a foreign language in the classroom, we are also teaching the culture embedded in that language. This report proposes to examine some of the forms of cultural assumptions that are contained in English and Japanese and focus on how cultural assumptions from our native language can affect our ability to understand the cultural assumptions in a foreign language. As language teachers we must ask to what extent social attitudes can be absorbed in the foreign language classroom. What are some ways we can encourage students to become aware of linguistically-coded cultural aspects, whether hidden or obvious, in the language they are learning?, KJ00004179264}, pages = {19--42}, title = {Teaching culture in the foreign language classroom}, year = {2005}, yomi = {サムナー, ラルフ} }