@article{oai:lib.cku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001486, author = {杉本, あゆみ and Sugimoto, Ayumi}, issue = {15}, journal = {千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要, Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper reports the Structured Group Encounter practice the author conducted in order to validate the effects of Structured Group Encounter in career education subjects. After conducting Structured Group Encounter in a career education subject, its results were confirmed both in aspects of objective evaluation (e.g., mid-term and final exams) and subjective evaluation (e.g., surveys filled out by students). The need to continue to research the generality of these results was identified as an issue to be addressed in the future.}, pages = {57--65}, title = {構成的グループエンカウンターによるキャリア教育が学生の学修行動変容に及ぼす効果}, year = {2019}, yomi = {スギモト, アユミ} }