@article{oai:lib.cku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000859, author = {杉田, あけみ and Sugita, Akemi}, issue = {8}, journal = {千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要, Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper is a part of "Gender equality in pharmaceutical companies from a viewpoint of diversity management" research. In addition, this research has obtained the subsidy of "The Shimabara Science Promotion Foundation." The following points are revealed whether or not differences in companies, men and women employees'. 1. To work with the WLB key measures. 2. The result was obtained from WLB. 3. Measures to increase the child care leave percentage result of men employees. As result, from" 1" until" 3", They were selected from three groups, 2 groups, and only 1 group., KJ00007850888}, pages = {95--104}, title = {製薬企業におけるワークライフ・バランスに関する一考察}, year = {2012}, yomi = {スギタ, アケミ} }