@article{oai:lib.cku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000955, author = {杉本, あゆみ and Sugimoto, Ayumi}, issue = {12}, journal = {千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要, Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to investigate how to improve the present education at Department of Secretarial Students, Chiba Keizai College. The purpose of this article is to aim the theory in the higher education and the organic development of the practice based on the result of school attendance direct questionnaire over the education method of the secretary school subject. I am analyzing a result of the questionnaire for the students who attended a secretary process of this school and the consciousness of the student evaluated the class in being what kind of thing and secretary process for it and am aimed for taking into account on making the curriculum for a better class based on it's result. I am looking for the directivityof a curriculum for future sessions from a questionnaire., KJ00010169764}, pages = {45--49}, title = {受講学生アンケートから探るキャリア科目における教育方法のあり方}, year = {2016}, yomi = {スギモト, アユミ} }